CERIL Report 2018-2 on Cross-border Restructuring and Insolvency post-BREXIT

On 12 December 2018, CERIL issued its Report 2018-2: Cross-border Restructuring and Insolvency post-BREXIT: CERIL highlights the relationship between the EU and the UK after Brexit in the area of restructuring and insolvency law and seeks to formulate a position on the nature and content of a possible future instrument governing that relationship.
Initiated and chaired by Prof. Francisco Garcimartin (University Autónoma of Madrid and Linklaters), and Prof. Michael Veder (Radboud University Nijmegen and RESOR), a CERIL working group investigated the possible consequences of Brexit on cross-border restructuring and insolvency in relation to the remaining EU.
CERIL Report 2018-2 presents the result of this study and seeks to formulate a position on the nature and content of a possible future instrument governing the relationships between the EU and the UK after Brexit in the area of restructuring and insolvency law.
This Report was prepared by:
Reporters: Prof. Francisco Garcimartin & Prof. Michael Veder
Associate Researcher: Prof. Ángel Espiniella
The CERIL Statement 2018-2 can be downloaded here.
The CERIL Report 2018-2 can be downloaded here.
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