Vision and purpose
CERIL’s vision is to provide a unique independent perspective to endorse significant long-term improvements in restructuring and insolvency systems across the European Union. Topics mentioned for further research and discussion have been: improvements in the field of the Insolvency Regulation Recast as well as out-of-court restructuring, security rights, contracts, employment, fraudulent transactions, director's liability, simplifying cross-border communications and proceedings, etc. (see also "Projects of the Working Parties").
CERIL’s primary purpose is to advise, at its own motion or at request, on technical and policy issues relating to restructuring and insolvency laws, regulation and practice and any related laws, both to European Union institutions as well as its Member States, European countries and other interested institutions.
See for more information on CERIL's statutory aim and purpose the Articles of Association and the Annual Reports.
Independent views
CERIL conferees will not take a position which may be influenced by professional obligations and relations or act on behalf of a certain interest group. Conferees acknowledge their input as both appropriate and necessary so that an independent view can be presented, based on their knowledge and experience as practitioners, judges and scholars, reflecting a wide and diverse array of national insolvency systems and legal traditions.