WP 4 Consumer rights
This Working Party addresses the role of consumers and the improvements that are necessary for their protection in insolvency and restructuring proceedings.
Prof. Annina Persson
Prof. Catarina Frade
Completed Projects
- Consumer as a Creditor in Restructuring and Insolvency Proceedings
Increased consumer’s protection has been one of the goals of the EU for decades. However, the European insolvency legislation (regulations, directives) are less concerned with consumers. This project examines the consumer’s position as a creditor in insolvency and restructuring proceedings.
Reporter(s): Prof. Catarina Frade and Prof. Annina H. Persson
This project resulted in:
- CERIL Statement 2022-3 on Consumer Rights in Restructuring and Insolvency
- CERIL Report 2022-3 on Consumer Rights in Restructuring and Insolvency
Members part of
WP 04 Consumer rights
Ieva Broka | Ordinary Conferee (Latvia) |
Miodrag (Miki) Dordevic | Judicial Conferee (Slovenia) |
Catarina Frade | Co-Chair/Academic Conferee (Portugal) |
Jennifer Gant | Academic Conferee (United Kingdom) |
Jasnica Garašić | Academic Conferee (Croatia) |
Annina H Persson | Co-Chair/Academic Conferee (Sweden) |
Myriam Mailly | Academic Conferee (France) |
Oleg Zaitsev | Academic Conferee (Russia) |